Fourth Writer's Platform-Building Campaign!

As some of you may know, I'm taking a few online writing courses right now. In one of them we were to select a person from class to be our Editing Partner. I chose Lori Freeland, and boy am I glad I did! Already in my short time of knowing Lori (about a week) I've met several other local authors, including Jessica Aspen, been invited to an RWA chapter event in Thornton, and found this amazing campaign by Rachael Harrie.

Read about it here

I'm still a little fuzzy on what it's all about, but Jessica saw what I was doing on my site and thought I would like this campaign. So, I am officially signing up.

If anyone else out there is interested in it, jog on over to Rachael's blog (following the link above) and sign up! It'll be fun and there's a lot of growth potential with your online platform as a writer!

In other news, I'm thinking of switching to a Blogger blog. Details to follow if I can get it set up quickly. I'll put the link here so you know where to find me! I'd sacrifice this whole page and start a Blogger webpage, but I love that this site is the first one on

Keep on swimming,
Claire L. Fishback


Cherie Reich said…
Welcome to the campaign! I wanted to drop by and say hi.
Hi! I'll stop by to see your blog, soon!
alberta ross said…
hallo to a fellow campaigner - sure you will have fun here:)
Spanj said…
Hello, just visiting from the campaign's horror section. I'm new to the campaigns too, but I've already made loads of new friends, so I'm glad I'm a part of it!
Anna Mittower said…
Welcome to the campaign! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am already. And, tag! You're it! Head over to to pick up your questions. I look forward to your answers.

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